When someone buys a car, registers a car or sells a used car to someone else, at least three people are involved: the buyer, the seller – and the inspector. Those individuals are crucial for all car transactions, whether to ensure that the vehicle is roadworthy, to fulfill government mandates for safety inspections or to just give buyers confidence that they’re paying a fair price.
Increasingly, inspections are being performed by remote systems, where instead of physically scouring over individual vehicles, inspectors remotely analyze images and data about vehicles to determine if they are roadworthy, if they have sustained damage in an accident, if they are worth the listed price or if they have some hidden engine issues. And as technology improves – with advanced sensors and imaging systems uploading data and images over near-zero latency communication systems, coupled with next-generation AI and data analysis – the trends that have already made individual, in-person inspections a shrinking industry will continue.
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